At the age of seven, from the 16th November 1888 Friday evening, the child had a strange Heavenly Holy Darsan.* While he was on half asleep he had seen a very deep beam of light,like that of billions of sun's brightness together,had immersed into his body.In that splendour he saw five divine bright rays ;a crescent moon,Triple stars,a milky white Conch,the Blue Circle,and the Morning Sun,on after another .And these beams of light moulded together as a Mahabindu,a fire ball ,the fire of power,the fire of wisdom ,jnanaagni,*the Sarva Jnana*had entered into his soul and slowly settled there as the Universal
Power and Holy Spirit of God. This experience had lasted for three day continuously till he returned to normal life only on the fourth day of this eternal sight of para-Brahma*The bewildered parents thought that some invisible evil power had entered their son and took the child to temples and renowned astrologers to seek remedy.The strange experience had His sol exposed to the lustrous all pervading beam of light ,These rays were omnipotent and its strength bespeaks of Kalki*.To him, this was opening of the path to self -realization. This path was pursued to its full extent to attain enlightenment accompanied by severe penance as well.
During his childhood he had witnessed may horrible scenes of brutal torturing being suffered by even his close relatives, and even slaughtering of the slaves by inhuman means of the landlords.Even as a child he showed the tendency to teach and correct others.From the very small age the "child"started giving spiritual discourses and did wonders. Ever since the Holy Darsana the boy craved for loneliness to think about the inner meaning of the Five Divine Rays, the bodies and rays of holy spirits that had immersed into his sol.
He love his mother very dearly .following mothers and demise in 1894 at the age of 12 Narayanan,who was a lover of seclusion, went on to pilgrimages inquest of studying the super holy spirit that immersed in him. The determined boy visited various holy places and met different spiritual scholars and religious bodies, but there were none who could give an explanation about the meaning of the revelation of Brahmachaithanya* that he had experienced .
During this period he was attracted by the messages of Cristian Missionaries and did mission works in the name of Pathrose for nine continuous years .At last he found even Christianity unsatisfactory to solve his spiritual enthusiasm .Therefore he once again went on a long pilgrimage to several important centers of worship.
When he was twenty, he fought against superstition and campaigned against caste-ism and untouchability ,which were rampant at that time .He was terribly indignant at the social injustice ,slavery ,inequality ,cast and class discrimination and many other social evils of man as a result of ignorance and superstition .The saint in him was being molded to cope with a social cultural task to benefit the humanity as a whole .all this time, he was continuing his endless endeavor to understand the spiritual meaning of human life and its ultimate end ,jeevanmukthi,the liberation from bondage of the lower world .So at last he decided to go for meditation and penance to find out the Absolute truth ,the ultimate Reality.
*Darsan:catch sight of the image of God.
*jnanaagni:fire of wisdom.
*sarvajnana:Entire knowledge
*kalki:The 10th Avathar of vishnu ,in kaliyuga(khadgi)
*Brahmachaithanya:Reality as consciousness
(Courtesy;Adv.P.K.VijayaPrasad,M.A.,LL.B.- SREE SUBHANANDA GURUDEV&ATHMABODHODAYA SANGHAM,A brief life history and the Teachings of Sree Subhananda Gurudev)
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