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Subhananda's Teachings,Preachings and Messages

Gurudev stayed at Subhanandashram,Cherukole,to spread his principles and raise the consciousness of man through his disciples from various caste and creeds.He preached among the masses at various villages at Onattukara at Venad, especially among the down trodden untouchable castes of that time,counseling them, consoling them,uplifting them from the darkness of ignorance towards the light of knowledge.A few of His important teachings and messages to the mankind can be summed up as follows.

The jeevaathma the Godness, the God that shines in us and the truth and righteousness, Sathyadharma,the goodness,is hidden by Maya the ignorance in darkness,Maayaandhakaara,in every human being. In order to eradicate the ignorance and to instill and enlighten the truth in us, Lord Subhananda had mercifully disclosed the heavenly truth to the disciples.Gurudev teaches followers to attain self realization in order to see Paramathma, the eternal light which resides inside all of us. Man is not self illumined, the Guru lights the lamp in us and as the light emanates one can see oneself. This precept is akin to Christ's proclaim,"I am the way and the light"and the Upanishad teachings, "Asatho ma Sat Gamaya,Thamaso ma Jyothirgamaya,Mirthyur ma Amrutham Gamaya" is similar to this.

God chooses His favorites from the unpolluted and guides them what they are and how they must become one with His own image. Many people miss this great significant opportunity of such a rare but beneficial experiences and go blindly to the worldly way.Hinduisam asserts that humans are continually reborn,until they reach Moksha, a state of union with God or Paramathma,union with the impersonal Absolute as what followers of the advaitha (Non Dualism)school believe.Advaita Vedanta,believes in complete identity between the inmost self and the impersonal,ultimate God.The final goal of salvation is to escape from the endless round of birth, death, and rebirth.The ultimate goal of life, referred to as moksha, Nirvana or Samadhi, is described as the realization of one's union with God;realization of one's eternal relationship with God;realization of the unity of all existence;perfect unselfishness and knowledge. With divine knowledge from a Guru, one can seek union with God and gain this eternal bliss.Wander not in search of God;Gain his vision in our Atma.We need not wander about in search of God.God is within us.But our worldly knowledge cannot help us to realize God.When people are unable to get contentment from worldly life they experience an aversion to the objective pleasures and seek ways to arouse the divine consciousness that is latest within them.We run after worldly pleasures and these results in worries,greed and discontentment.Only if we have knowledge of Atma,we can experience the union with God, free from the habits of sin and escape from the hell of all evils of Janmapaapam,karmadosham and Jeevanaasam.

This divine knowledge,Atma Njana, can be gained only under the guidance of a self illumined Guru.God when incarnates as AvatarGuru,He teaches us the knowledge of divinity,the athm,the God that shines within us.Real knowledge is the result of spiritual development and can be strengthened by constant communion with the Guru.By this divine knowledge one can recognize the ignorance within oneself and destroy it.Only good and noble deeds,Nishkaamakarma' are done with divine knowledge,which leads to realization of God within us.Approach Guru for salvation and obey his teachings and advices and enjoy the bliss that divine knowledge that Guru confers.Guru dew ells in the devotional abode of every one's heart.Those
who can realize the Guru ,'Jnana Swaroopa',within them get inner vision.This inner vision is divine knowledge or 'Jnana'.Thus we can experience divine ease and peace,Santhi,by placing ourselves in the hands of the Avatar Guru.

He reiterates the message that there is only one God who is omnipresent,omniscient and omnipotent.He is all merciful.He is 'Satchithananda Swaroopa'.This world created by Him is wonderful and mysterious. The easiest way of realizing Him is to take the path of faith, devotion and purity of heart.No amount of worship of the idols of God or knowledge of scriptures can avail us to earn His Grace,if one dose not have love and compassion for all living beings;if one cannot control one's mind and maintain equilibrium. One need not even go far or wander in search of God. God is found within oneself .Know thyself and thou shall know the Supreme self.

Gurudev was up against caste-ism and had aimed at establishing a casteless society. Divine Knowledge,is the creator;He created this beautiful world for the human being to live peacefully and harmoniously by following the path of 'Athma Bodham',Sarva Njana.He supports faith in one God and ardent devotion to Him.God created no caste and religion as all are His children and are equal to Him.He has not discriminated among castes.No religion is high or low,superior or inferior.It is made so by ignorant man.Essentially and naturally there is no difference between man and man.The worst out-caste is not the one who eats a carcass but the one who feeds himself on the living, one who exploits his fellow men.

He speaks as to how we should live in this world. In placing Truth, Righteousness and Non-violence on the highest rank of values;in cautioning his fellowmen against anger,greed and jealousy; and also cautioning against the vice of consuming intoxication's,in sympathizing with the poor and the downtrodden and in considering the life of a good house holder,a Grihasthashrami,is more cove table than the life of a half-hearted ascetic.It is clear that what Gurudev approves of is spirituality and not religion.Quite in keeping with Hindu Philosophy and its spiritual tradition,Subhananda stresses on self or realization of God as the main goal of life.In doing so He upholds the integration of a clean worldly life and
spiritual Sadhana.If one is careful not to indulge in the gratification of carnal desires,the worldly life of virtuous and moderate enjoyments will be a sort of preparation for a higher spiritual enlightenment.But for this there must be proper guidance from a Guru,a Spiritual Master,who is the embodiment of love and kindness.More intellectual brilliance,education,hard efforts or even austerities without the merciful guidance of a Guru will take us nowhere.There is none higher than the guru who is capable of taking us to the God.So,one must serve a Guru with all his heart and soul.At the same time one must be careful about hypocrites and false gurus.

men do not become great or wise by merely being in the monasteries or spiritual places.He who is free from Ashta Ahankaras,from lust,anger,greed,desire,rage,competition,arrogance and ego, is the Jnani.Only those who have had the spiritual experience may be respected.The ways of the spiritual awareness"Anubhavanjana"are different.Even knowledge of philosophy
or scholarship in scriptures is of no use.It is not just a shaven heard or ochre robes or any such external appearance that make an ascetic.It is the inner maturity,purity and oneness of mind in renunciation and personal experience of the supreme that make one a saint.He,who has known his own self,has absorbed light and who follows the light is the real Janani.Man is innocent as a child.He is always in the highest state of cosmic consciousness.He does not discriminate between one thing and another and sees no difference,'Bheda Budhi',between 'oneself' and 'another',or between his own self and the universal self. And he sees only one and the same self in every one,'Ekathava Bodham'in everything even in the supreme reality.
yet he remains silent, modest and always in a blissful state.Steps are clear to attain this state.

Devotion to God is the best and the finest path to salvation. If the heart has such faith and devotion, the body itself becomes a temple.There is no need to go to any temple or spiritual center. Sincere prayer,yearning for a lofty life and the company of the good and the virtuous devotees,Sat Sang,and careful avoidance of the bad and the foolish, are essential in spiritual sadhana. There is hope of redemption even for the worst of sinners if only they truly repent and surrender to God.Faith in God or even in the guidance of a powerful Guru is the boat that takes them safely across the ocean of life to the other shores of everlasting bliss.

Besides one should be true to oneself and should have a clear conscience.There should be no difference between what clear conscience.There should be no difference between what one thinks, what one says and what one does.If one pursues the path of truth and righteousness,Sathyadharma,with oneness of mind, surely the kindness of Guru and the grace of God will flow in abundance and help one to conquer one's ego, the Ashtahankara.Then one will be lead to experience the highest spiritual bliss. There are no words to describe that blissful experience,only Supreme Silence reigns there. That is the sign of Supreme Wisdom and enlightenment.Those who only talk about it betray themselves that they have not yet realized it. One who
experience this supreme state is at once liberated from rebirth,Punarjanmam,the cycle of births and deaths.This is the essence of knowledge worthy of attainment.There is nothing higher than this as there is nothing brighter than this. One, who has this Knowledge,Njanam,sees clearly in oneself God and identifies oneself with the entire universe


;Adv.P.K.VijayaPrasad,M.A.,LL.B.- SREE SUBHANANDA GURUDEV&ATHMABODHODAYA SANGHAM,A brief life history and the Teachings of Sree Subhananda Gurudev)


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